Friday, March 12, 2010


Usually, this is what Molly is doing while I am knitting or spinning. She is the sweetest dog ever.
This is my assistant Molly, my 11-year old mini-daschund. Sometimes she is interested in my projects & comes over to check things out.

Second sleeve started. Lookin' good! Not bad progress for 16 days work (on the knitting, that is!)

Body & 1 sleeve completed.
Here is the first sleeve completed & ready to attach to the body for the yoke. I am certainly learning alot about spinning by knitting this sweater! Now, I wish I had done a 3-ply yarn instead of 2-ply as I think that would have helped with some of the areas of thick/thin yarn, but overall I am pretty happy with how this project is turning out!

1 comment:

ChelleC said...

I am following this project closely since I too am spinning yarn for this Oatmeal Cardy. I am going probably much slower than you. I am 3 inches away from being done with the first sleeve.